13 March 2010

I tried to behave.. it got boring...

don't you just love a good teaser? I have many things sloshing about in my gray matter today. You will just have to wait a little longer for me to share...

~~~ an update on the 28th of March

okay so "April showers, bring May flowers" but just exactly what is up with spring madness? it's as though everyone has lost their freaking minds!

Including me...

when I pulled this blog post up and saw the title again, I blushed.

no seriously, I do blush sometimes, well okay a lot of times...

This week was the culmination of all those weeks of trying so very hard to behave that I finally found myself in the precarious cliche of "hand caught in the cookie jar".

not surprisingly, this is worse, much worse.
[well, maybe not so much for those of us who are open-minded, confident, not sexually repressed...]

"Beware the Ides of March..."

of course it all had to do with emails, and work, and the receipt and exchange of some relatively tame (okay, sexually charged) messages between lovers.

now mind you, this all could have been avoided if there were some flexbility -- simply allowing an employee to access a personal email account whilst on a break, or before they're on the clock -- would have pushed this entire subject into the virtual world, away from the prying eyes of the administrator and far from the land of the "spam filter" on the office network.

yeah, well, sometimes shit just happens.

and when it does, you just have to suck it up, admit your error and call it a day...

that...my friends...was my Friday. and I am certain this won't be the end of it.

In fact, my "email while at work may be monitored"
(truth be told, I knew that already)

But I live by the adage that you should NEVER ever put anything in writing that you would not want to come back and fly in your face -- particularly if you don't have enough of a spine to say, "yes, I wrote that..."

so my sweets, I return to the office on Monday, with an invisible scarlet letter tacked on my person -- I would say it was on my back, but I can see the cheaply made handle of the dirty and dull-edged knife quite clearly -- and know in my heart...they're all just a little bit jealous...

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